Key trends in digital publishing in 2021

Key trends in digital publishing in 2021

After the rise and falls in 2020, Here's what the digital publishing industry looks like in 2021.
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2020 is an easy year to leave behind. No doubts there but while we cautiously set expectations for 2021, there are a few things to look forward to.

Work from home has gotten better and so have webinars. What are some of the developments in the market? How has 2020 shaped and readied us for the following year? Consider these predictions or prophecy, here are a few key trends we think will set off in 2021 (fingers crossed):-

Search is evolving

People have changed the way they search for content or the way they seek it. With new metrics coming into play and site speed becoming a basic lookout for publishers. It is important to note the increasing relevance of tools like Google Discover, as it shows the evolution of user interface. Publishers would find an increasing need to test and figure out what’s working and not working.

No more code

2020 may have shown us what’s here to stay, the internet being the big player. Publishers would want to invest in solutions that are more steady and holistic than previous approaches. This is due to the increased demand for customization.

With more publishers investing in digital media, the need to have more control over elements will only increase. This is where a lot of services that provide “no coding” solutions come into play.

With more players coming into space, the digital world is bound to get simpler. Less coding, more control.

Better control

Publishers will need to move out of traditional ways and get tools that allow them maximum control. This would help them manage user consent, avoid website downtime, and most importantly avoid redundant infrastructure.

With more privacy flash news the safety of users on the internet is in steady demand. Regulating user privacy violations and finding solutions that allow self-dependency and reducing reliance on third parties like Facebook.

Webinar and panel meets

As more of us settle into the monotonous routines with the constant search for change, the quality and frequency of digital socialization have changed. More companies have started conducting well-researched webinars for growth and awareness in the market. Understanding struggles, sharing success stories, and trying to cope in difficult times has created a sense of community.

Video is at a steady growth

According to the cisco annual report, almost 82% of all content online will be available in video format. For digital magazines and news portals, having an image-heavy site is almost the base stone. How will they manage their website speed with heavy visual elements? Well, that is a test for CMSs that are outdated.

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Social media

Easily, one of the most impressive tools of our times. Brands will continue to find new and innovative ways to integrate themselves into the daily lives of the customers/audience. This would mean more omnichannel presence, subtle conversion attempts, and increased interactions.


After a good decade of being bombarded by advertisements, the web has finally come to a place where users get to have an ad-free experience. With more premium channels and lesser pop-ups flashing at user’s screens, the involvement on the digital platform has witnessed a shift.

This year, it would be better to invest in a good and straight monetization plan than shelling out your bills on advertisements.

What would readers pay for?

Don’t worry, newsletters, webinars, and podcasts are trendy. And people are ready to pay for content. Content diversity has never been received better. Netizens have the time to tune into the content providers they deem worth - there will be a steady increase in subscriptions along with the reader revenue created.

Death of third party tracking

With the hostility towards personalized ads, the attention has shifted towards the browsers that block third-party tracking. Browsers like Safari and firefox jumped early on this. With Google announcing that they’ll be blocking any third party tracking for two years, it’s safe to declare the death of the trend.

What would content look like?

Even tik-tok has figured out that continuous content doesn’t work anymore. As policies change over social media and the web, the focus is narrowed down on the quality of the content.

This falls along the loyal subscriber base and need for content that is appropriate and functional. Safe to say, readers would now like to enjoy what they spend time reading.

While the average time spent on the internet has increased this past year, the users have switched to being more active with their content consumerism. This has brought very many changes in the space and publishers should have an exciting time working around these demands of the users. From free viewers to intentional readers, the time for digital publishers seems promising in 2021.

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