Digital media : Omnichannel content strategies

Digital media : Omnichannel content strategies

Learn why you should focus on creating an omni-channel content strategy to stay relevant in the publishing space today
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The impact of Covid has accelerated the consumer trend of omni-channel content consumption. Brands have had to shift to rapidly evolving channels of communication according to the growth of technology, services and popular trends.

Automated omnichannel content management is the focus point of publishers at this moment. It stems from the availability of multiple relevant channels for brands. With an omnichannel content management strategy paired with the right platform for delivering it, brands can build better content driven experiences.

This positively impacts how every user interacts with your brand on each of these distinct channels. Inorder to stay relevant and to reach a wider audience, omni-channel content distribution should be on your radar.

Why should you focus on your content even with Omnichannel Experience

Content is king. As a brand, you need to have a standard of content that reflects on all your platforms. Your tone, your messaging, your interactivity should remain brand specific on all channels. This includes social media messaging, blog topics, SEO efforts, and myriad other marketing campaigns.

It’s vital that you’re able to serve consistent, valuable messaging in an omnichannel environment where consumers are exposed to numerous brand messages. You need to ensure that your message makes them stop, look and respond. Or at the very least, establish positive familiarity.

The Modern Omnichannel Content Marketing Strategy : Focus points

Content, as we mentioned, will always be the king. Your content marketing strategy defines why you create, publish and manage content. A modern strategy would always be omnichannel. It should be able to draw results from all channels and target a wider audience range. Distributing content across channels like - websites, social media, mobile app, video streaming platforms etc ensures that your content touches a user at some point in their digital exploration. This is important when 90 percent of multiple-device owners switch between an average of three devices to complete a task. You need to ensure that you’re accessible on every platform.

  1. Social Media Engagement

Social media is a platform where you can show your messages to an audience that is both participatory and interested. You can educate interested users about your brand and your content. The important bit to understand is that you need to find your own social media tactics to get users to follow you because while social media is great for brands, it’s also a great space for competition. If done right, you can channel engaged followers, website visitors and potential subscribers from your social media engagement.

  1. Web and Mobile apps

Having your content on web and mobile apps helps you give a personalized experience to your readers. With the right CMS you can manage the content on your website and on your app with ease. Readers can bookmark/save their preferred stories, manage push alerts and do more. For your loyal readers, being able to download an app would reduce the friction while giving you better retention rates.

  1. Press Releases

Do you have a dedicated PR team? You need to send updates regarding your partnerships, growth, technological investments to your user base. As a brand, you’re expected to interact and make announcements that signify your growth in the market - this also helps you stay relevant in your industry. If you are a crypto startup, you can partner with an experienced crypto PR agency that can help you effectively promote your growth and achievements. Paint your content in a way that makes audiences sit up and take a look.

  1. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

The 2017 Meaningful Brands Study found that 60 percent of brand content is still poor quality, fails to deliver on its promise, and is of little value overall. Simply put, it’s a distraction.

With PPC, the click itself isn’t the target. It’s understanding what your customers are willing to pay for. Understanding what type of content, the quality, the nature of the story etc. What’s also important is to check the devices/platforms that get better responses.

How can you ace your omnichannel content management

1. Understand your users

Your priority should always be to create positive content experiences for your users. For this, you need to take a deep dive into your audience behavior and what they crave and value. Look into how they interact with your website, mobile app, and other digital platforms, especially social media. You can also have research done for a quantitative understanding.

2. Develop Content with Context

While creating content is important, without context, you’re going to miss each and every target. Modern consumers have a ton of content they can consume which is why it’s important that they have a very clear idea and motive to follow yours. Make relevant, and full circle content pieces that have no loopholes to drown the attention/interest of your users.

3. Deliver Content across Every Touchpoint

Can you predict your omnichannel consumer’s needs in all your channels? While you create omnichannel content, it’s important you deliver it to the right touchpoints. Explore with story formats, timing, appropriate hashtags to provide the best experience for each and every reader.

4. Optimize your content

Are you still waiting for users to find your website directly? Gone are the days when users would trust a single source of information. It’s important for you, as a brand, to ensure that your stories rank high on google’s search engine. Search engines today have a standard that publishers need to meet. Essentially, better engaging, high quality, authentic content wins the search engine race. As a brand, your SEO scores and page ranking strategies should be your number 1 priority.

Delivering Content Across Channels with Headless Content Management

You may be wondering, how you can perfect your omni-channel distribution. This is where a headless CMS comes into play. A Headless CMS works without a front end. This backend only system helps you create content and then distribute it to a wide range of platforms. It uses application programming interface (API) technology that enables the frontend to communicate with the backend.

With this system, content only needs to be created and “labeled” by the team once before it can be re-optimized and re-published over and over again on any device or channel — from websites to social media platforms, chatbots, digital billboards, smartwatches, and beyond.

How does Quintype help you with your Omni-channel content strategy

Bold CMS is a headless content management system that is designed to fit with the modern day digital publishing needs. It’s smart and helps you with a long list of things.

Omni-Channel distribution is easy with Bold. You can create your content on the platform and Bold helps you distribute it to - website, mobile apps, smart devices, voice assistants etc. Bold is also constantly evolving to fit in all the new and emerging platforms, allowing publishers a safe space to put forth their content.

Are you worried about your omnichannel content strategy? Schedule a free demo with us today to learn how you can be better on every channel and how Bold can help you in your digital publishing journey.
