Start your own digital magazine
digital magazine

Start your own digital magazine

Not sure how to start your digital magazine? Here's everything you need to know.
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The pandemic has accelerated the shift from print-to-digital amongst readers and publishers. While some media houses have moved towards a fully digital future, some others are balancing both print and digital. This can be challenging for different industries but with the right tools, you can navigate your digital journey the right way. Are you planning to shift to a digital platform for your magazine?

A digital magazine would carry similar or the same content as your print copy. You can design, create, distribute and monetize your digital magazine online and enjoy a wider audience range. A digital magazine will save you the printing cost and take out the geographical restrictions. They are also popular as they’re more convenient than their print alternative.

How do you get started with your digital magazine :

  1. Content strategy

Having a well-developed content strategy for your digital magazine is key. Much like how you’d need a goal with your print magazine, you need to develop a practical blueprint of how you need your magazine to look like and what your content would come across as.

This involves your ad strategy, placement, design elements, content layering, personalization and other readability, and brand factors.

  1. Publishing tools

Once you have a content strategy, you can move ahead to look for the right technology to support your digital magazine. Find the right content management system to create, distribute and monetize your magazine.

Bold, a headless CMS from Quintype is designed for the modern-day digital magazine publisher. With experience with a wide array of media publishers, Bold can help digital publishers curate magazines with the right elements with a superior reading experience for your audience. It also helps manage workflow, access levels, rich multimedia content, dynamic content, and other distribution needs.

  1. Distribution

Once you’ve found the right platform for your digital magazine, you should be able to distribute your content across channels. Readers should be able to access your digital magazine through your website, social media channels, apps and any other channel you use for brand communication. With digital magazines, accessibility and visibility are key.

  1. Monetization

You’ve created and distributed your content. How do you draw revenue from your magazines? The easiest way to get revenue is by setting up a monetization solution that is easy to use for both the publisher and the readers. This would mean easy check-ins, easy transactions, and secure payment gateways.

Quintype has developed the Accesstype to facilitate this process for digital publishers. With Accesstype you can set monetization models that are in line with your content strategy. It helps you regulate your registered user base. You can set bundles and seasonal offers for your digital publishing needs with this tool. Most importantly, Accesstype allows you to have frictionless online transactions giving you the easy revenue you deserve.

Start your digital journey today

Starting your digital magazine can be an easy process with the right tools. Invest in the right technology to enjoy maximum readership and quality content distribution. At Quintype, we’ve helped large publications like Vikatan to manage and monetize their magazines easily with our products. Are you curious to know more about how we help magazine publishers? Head to our website and schedule a demo with us today to understand how we can help you reinvent your digital publishing experience.
