4 day work week here at Quintype

4 day work week here at Quintype

Quintype technologies has started giving its team longer weekends and are finding different ways to cope with the pandemic. Here's how.
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Recognizing burnouts is probably the top-tier priority for all companies. What do plants and employees have in common? Too much or too little never works out. Motivating employees right and getting them in the right mindset to reach common goals takes effort. But doing all of it during a global pandemic takes way more. That’s why we’ve reduced work to 4 days a week.

We’ve all been battling the COVID-19 virus. Since early 2020, there has been an overwhelming increase in the number of cases and we know that it isn’t helping anyone’s productivity. As a company, we need our team to run the show but we also understand that tough times call for the right measures.

We closed off our office last year to ensure that our team can stay within the safety of their homes. Since then, we’ve been able to figure out work-from-home smoothly. The team has been brave during these difficult times.

As an organization it is important for us to take cognizance of stressors that lead to physical, emotional and mental fatigue of our employees. Through simple, yet meaningful steps we have tried to take care of them in these trying times be it digital detox or better medical coverage.
Aruna Banerjee, Vice President, People and Culture

4 days a week

Just as we were getting used to working remotely, the second wave hit the country with a force no one was ready for. Keeping the morale high, during a social catastrophe is near impossible. We knew the team needed some time off. This is when the leadership came together and worked out the digital detox plan. From May 21 to June 11, everyone gets their Fridays off.

We understood that the team deserved an extra day to battle the added stress. A longer weekend can hopefully help get a little extra time to manage health needs and to find some personal time. We encourage the team to steer clear of all digital spaces during the weekend to rejuvenate and spend quality time with those around. We’re certainly not the first company to do this but the reason we jumped on board with the idea is because we knew the team deserved it.

Covid term insurance

The team has been on medical insurance from the get-go but with the pandemic, we knew we had to take an extra step. The people and culture team arranged a COVID term insurance. This is an added benefit for the team, so that there’s one less item on their stress list. This could help manage medical expenses and provide the safety net required.

We're our own superheroes

The team has worked in unison to get aid to others. We’ve all had the opportunity to help our colleagues in our own capacity. We’ve seen the team make multiple calls to hospitals in search of beds and medicines. We’ve been able to use our channels to give any form of assistance. These are done with the hope to decrease the stress and share it evenly in these times.

We understand that money isn’t the only safety net required. This is why the team has been up, making arrangements for other teammates, helping them in this battle. In simpler terms, the team has each other’s back.

Being an outdoor person, it’s been really hard for me during this lockdown. It’s affected me both physically and mentally. The 3 day weekends have given me extra time to find new hobbies. This weekend, I tried my hand at baking. It was very therapeutic. Now I’m looking forward to the weekends to try new dishes. I’ve also put a little effort into getting the right photographs of my creations. Perhaps food photography is something I’ll explore next!

Susanna Varghese, Marketing Manager

Staying connected

The weekly meetings and stand-ups sure benefit us all stay focused but we’ve tried to organize virtual engagement programs where folks can get to know each other even when they’re all in their homes. The Paathshala series, an informative session hosted by a subject expert from the team, for the team has also advanced as another step in the right direction.

As we face new challenges, we’re eager to find beneficial solutions that help the team as a whole.
