Learning more about our Developers at Quintype

Learning more about our Developers at Quintype

Meet Nikitha Nadig, a full-time developer at Quintype who joined the team as an intern.
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How would you define your role at Quintype?

I work as a front-end developer. Having come straight out of college, Quintype is my first workplace. The team here has helped me learn and pointed me in the right direction. The environment is encouraging and as a newbie, I fit right in.

I dedicate my efforts to improve the UI of our Bold CMS. The platform has two parts - the front end and the back end. Some tickets are purely for the back-end and some for the front-end. I take responsibility for front-end tickets assigned to me by my managers.

The team encourages pair programming. This helps newbies grow better by being paired with seniors and by learning their style of programming. As a team, we ensure that everyone works in pairs and helps each other out in resolving issues or in developing new features. We are dedicated to exploring new tech, enhancing our code, and making work exciting.

How are you adjusting to Work from Home?

I remember that at the office, we had spontaneous discussions around the table where all it took was one marker to get everybody’s undivided attention. Everyone would pitch in with such ease. With the pandemic, we’ve all been confined to our homes. Now we’ve learned to use our communication channels to brainstorm and discuss various challenges.

I knew I had to create my own happy space for work at home. Steering clear of all the external noise has been a journey but my family has been very supportive. I’ve found comfort in this new style of working. I make sure to log in and log out at the right time to maintain the work-life balance. Although different, work from home has not been particularly harsh on me. I have accepted the fact that this is the new normal and tried to find peace and happiness with it.

What does a normal day look like for your team?

My team is super energetic and tries to keep things interesting. Our day starts with a standup where everyone gives updates regarding all major touchpoints. We generally discuss the problem statement and have a quick catch-up regarding the same.

We make sure we have regular Demo and Tech sessions during our sprints so that we can educate each other about the concepts being used. We have internal demo sessions, where we showcase our latest improvements, and retro sessions, where we discuss newer problems that need our attention.

In the team, the managers raise tickets after holding conversations with the clients. Once we take on a ticket, everything related to it is handled by the developer. Smaller tasks are often taken care of individually while the others are done in pairs. This is followed by a round of QA.

I team up with a dedicated QA and have a round of DevBox wherein we look at the fix made for the ticket. Once approved it’s sent for a PR (pull request) review. Later, another developer would have a look at the code change that’s made. With thorough feedback and fixed approvals, the solution is then merged to the master branch. From there, QA picks it up for production.

How long have you been working with QT. How has it been?

I have been with QT for more than 2 years now. It’s been a beautiful experience for me. I have experienced working with the best people who are more than family to me now.

In QT everybody in the team guides you and tries to bring the best in you, both personally and professionally. I started as an intern here. I received a complete overview of the products, stack, and infrastructure during training which helped me immensely. I had the chance to learn and experiment in this space. We work in pairs and every new partner teaches you something important. I started work with the BloombergQuint team and I had the chance to grow to a front-end developer.

How you define Quintype as a friend?

Quintype is like family. It is a friend that guides you through your journey and creates a platform for you to grow as a person and make the best choices. In simple words, it’s a very easy going, motivating and a comfortable space :)

What is the most important trait for someone who wants to be in your team?

According to me, the only trait required is to be able to cope with the team and have clarity. Have a solid set of goals and be determined about achieving them. The team is super supportive here at Quintype and will give that extra push whenever needed.

Being open to learning new things can also be very helpful. There are a lot of experts in the team who are eager to guide. I, for one, had only been working with UI so far. But recently I've had the chance to explore website performance. The team has helped me learn faster and enjoy this new chapter.

When someone joins the team, the team shapes them to be a better performer w.r.t to the tasks, that’s the beauty of it all. This is an environment where everybody is super supportive of you.

What's the best thing about your role?

As a developer, the end results of building a small feature or enhancing the existing tech brings a smile to my face. As a newbie developer, I always look forward to working to learn new tricks and tips from my team. The day when somebody benefits from my work is the day I feel happy and satisfied with what I’m doing.

As a developer, I'm always given help when I'm stuck. This helps the issue get resolved quicker and allows me to grow as well. Everyone’s efforts are recognized and appreciated which is such a boost.

What would your journal entry look like at the end of the day?

I’m always open to suggestions because I feel it has helped me work better. I generally make a note of what went well today or what’s the agenda for tomorrow. Keeping a track of the doubts and clearing them out on a call has helped me. The small steps add up and I like to keep a note of it.

Quintype has been an advocate of ‘learning should never stop’ and that has kept me going.

I'm satisfied at the end of the day with the work I've done. When you’ve learned something new it's a productive day.
