How We Started a Culture of Gratitude at Quintype 

How We Started a Culture of Gratitude at Quintype 

Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men many - Charles Dickens

Most of us at Quintype ended the year by being grateful for all the opportunities 2017 it gave us. We spent the last few weeks in December saying ‘Thank you’ to our people!

The wiki lists GRATEFUL is an adjective which means - ‘feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received’.

For me, Gratitude is the ability to reflect and Thank someone for making a difference!

The science behind Gratitude shows that this simple people practice enhances
  • Corporate culture
  • Strengthen teams
  • Inspires performance

Here are Some Simple Ways to Express Gratitude

  • Say thank you and let them know why. Look the person in the eye when you convey your gratitude!
  • Write a personal note on a piece of paper, card or even a Post-it. Make it personal at the start and end
  • Send an appreciative email copying the person's manager or leader. Have a catchy subject line to get noticed
  • Use your mobile phone to thank someone by either calling or messaging
  • Use social networks to say thank you. A collage or short video is a great way of making this memorable on Facebook, LinkedIn etc
  • Sit down at the end of a day, week, month or year and just reflect on what you are thankful for. Keep a gratitude list to show yourself how lucky, blessed or special you are!

I also convey my Thank You to a person through their loved ones. This created more impact than thanking them directly.

At Quintype we ended the year with a deep sense of gratitude being thankful for all people around.

Make Thanking People a Habit!
