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Why Multi-Channel Presence Is Essential For Publishers?

Unravel the benefits of multi-channel presence and the best practises to find out whether it's essential for your publishing business.
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3 min read

Written by: Rashmi

If there is one lesson that the pandemic taught us, it has to be the fact there nothing is certain. Businesses have to stop putting all their eggs in one basket for the same. Rather, it is time for building a presence on multiple channels and staying up-to-date with the changing algorithm.

But is that it? Is being present on multi-channels just about beating the uncertainty? Absolutely not. There is much more to digital media presence than one can imagine. In fact, there are still some areas that haven’t been explored in the digital world – the trends that we may witness in 2022 and years beyond.

For now, the primary focus should be on being present on as many digital channels as possible. Here are some reasons why:

5 Benefits Of Creating A Multi-Channel Presence-

Future-proof Your Business

Looking at how things have transformed over the past two years; it is uncertain how the market would unravel in the future. Consumer behavior would change, the ways we do advertising would change, and so would the ways to generate revenue. Talks about metaverse are already making leaps in the digital world. Who knows what new channels, technologies, and devices will take the centre stage?

In such a scenario, multi-channel presence helps in future-proofing the business. You can invest in creating content in multiple media formats. It can be reels, podcasts, GIFs, or even memes so that they can be easily published on the apps or devices that may be launched in the next few years.

Reach Wider Audience

According to Data Reportal, 2021, there are 4.66 billion active internet users. And an average user spends 6 hours and 56 minutes online each day. It is clear from this data that digital is where you can find and connect with a wider audience.

It wouldn’t have been possible a few years ago. But now, your website, your social media channels, newsletters, and YouTube channel; each of the digital channels has the power to reach these consumers, irrespective of their geographic location.

Digital Channels
Digital Channels

Get New Customers Faster

By establishing your presence on multiple channels, you increase your visibility among the target audience. It also becomes easy for customers to find you and consume the content easily. And all this means you have a higher number of prospects that ultimately result in more customers!

For instance, not many customers would want to search for the website first and then read the article about a particular topic. But if you are already present on a platform they often use (for example, Facebook or Instagram) and have posted the same article in some other format, they would certainly engage with it.

Build A Credible Brand Image

Being present on different channels is not just about getting more visibility and clients. It also strengthens your credibility in the market. Potential customers often conduct their pre-purchase research to decide whether you are their ideal choice or not. And if your brand appears on multiple channels with quality and authentic content, it ought to play a big role in the final decision.

Moreover, this multi-channel presence also establishes your expertise in the sector and gives strong competition to other players in the market.

Enjoy Higher Revenue

The revenue strategies are no longer dependent on one stream. Instead, publishers can now leverage innovative monetization models via multiple digital channels to generate higher revenues. Some of the most popular ways to monetize the digital presence are subscription models, digital advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and so on.

Every business person knows that having positive cash flow is crucial for a company’s growth. And to increase that, having multiple revenue sources is the right way to go.

Bonus: Best Practices For Establishing Multi-Channel Presence

Pushing content on multiple channels is lucrative but if not handled well, it can become chaotic too. Here are some of the best practices to stay on track:

  1. Create a framework to distribute content consistently

  2. Stay consistent with posts and add up-to-date content pieces

  3. Invest in digital publishing tools that allow easy collaboration and content distribution on multiple channels

The world of digital is ever-expanding. And to succeed, you need to have a well-balanced presence across conventional and new-age digital channels.

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