Covid-19 Updates: Impact on Publishers

Covid-19 Updates: Impact on Publishers

COVID-19 sees publisher revenue guarantees falter

COVID-19’s impact on the economy sees revenue guarantees to advertisers fall. Third-party revenue generating platforms for ad publishers have begun altering their payment processes.

Exchange Wire

What will the coronavirus pandemic mean for the business of news?

Both online news sites and television news programmes have seen a surge in audience attention as people seek to understand the pandemic, what is being done about it, and what they can do themselves. However, many of the independent news media people rely on will themselves nonetheless be at risk during this crisis.

Reuteurs Institue of Journalism

Facebook Journalism Project Provides $16 Million in Funding to Support More Than 200 Local Newsrooms

Facebook announced that more than 200 news organizations will receive nearly $16 million in grants through the Facebook Journalism Project’s relief fund for local news. These grants stem from $25 million in local news relief funding announced in March as part of Facebook’s $100 million global investment in news.

Facebook Journalism

What comes next? News organisations need to adapt to the new normal

COVID-19 is establishing a new normal. Even if news organisations survive this, they will enter into a completely different landscape. People will expect different things from organisations, information and experiences.

European Journalism Centre

COVID-19: How Indian publishers are fighting plunging revenues

The sudden economic downturn has forced businesses to cut back on their advertising, the major source of revenue for Indian newspapers. On top of this, the suspension of public transport has forced several publishers to stop circulation in many cities for the time-being.


‘The industry will be transformed’: The FT’s guide to making money from virtual events

During normal times, The Financial Times hosts around 150 events globally per year. By this March however, 60 of those events — all the way until June — had already been delayed until the fall. The FT’s events arm, FT Live, is preparing for possibility it will not hold any in-person events this year.


Why passion-based publications are thriving in the pandemic

We surely saw passion-based magazines thrive in the publishing climate. Magnolia Journal, The Pioneer Woman, Reveal, and countless smaller niche publications found traction. Their advertisers were the savvy ones.

Whats new in Publishing

Newsonomics: How will the pandemic panic reshape the local news industry?

A new round of consolidation could kill off half of what were the major U.S. newspaper chains just a few months ago. But the possibility of platform cash is sparking hope.

Niemen Lab

How to Adapt Membership Models and Events During the Pandemic

As coronavirus sweeps through communities around the world, the Membership Puzzle Project has shared examples from around the world of how 15+ newsrooms have quickly adapted pillars of their membership programs and memberful routines to respond to the realities of this crisis.


Snap is showing optimistic signs of weathering much of the Covid-19 ad slowdown, other online ad-based businesses might be a different case.

Snapchat maker Snap Inc. impressed investors Tuesday with its still-growing ad revenue in recent weeks amid a broader ad slowdown. But Snap’s strength in a tough time may be attributable in part to the kinds of advertisers that spend on the platform, and that may not be the case for other online companies that rely on ad revenue.


KPMG India reveals how COVID-19 has impacted the media and entertainment industry

KPMG has released a report titled ‘COVID-19: The many shades of a crisis - A media and entertainment sector perspective’ which discusses the impact of the novel virus on the Media and Entertainment industry.

Business Insider

Hit by sharp ad decline because of COVID-19, India's newspapers cut jobs and salaries

India's vibrant newspaper industry that reaches tens of millions of readers daily has been ravaged by declining advertising revenues due to a nationwide lockdown to fight the coronavirus, pushing leading titles to slash jobs and salaries.

Channel News Asia

Coronavirus impact: Return of civic journalism

The last 10 years of Indian media has been dominated with polarised debated focused on views and not on the ground report. The shift was visible in 2010 but became a norm by 2013. The pandemic has shifted focus on civic journalism and issues which directly affect common people. Will this trend continue?

Wio News

The coronavirus crisis will eventually end, but the distributed newsroom is here to stay

Almost overnight, news publishers had to find a new way of functioning that didn’t revolve around physical newsrooms. In this moment of crisis, though, we have a opportunity to chart a path forward proactively for our industry: The newsrooms that will survive and thrive in a post-COVID-19 world will be the newsrooms that embrace the shift to distributed teams.

Nieman Lab

The Coronavirus Outbreak Has Plunged the Comics World into Existential Chaos

World War II couldn’t do it. An industry crash in the 1990s couldn’t do it. Now, for the first time in the history of the medium, monthly comics are grinding to a halt due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The Daily Beast

The coronavirus is the story of our lifetime. Here are resources, training and funding to help your newsroom tell it

Poynter is collecting live coronavirus coverage training opportunities, if you have them, you can share them here. The list is updated with useful resources for newsrooms on a daily basis.


US newspapers face 'extinction-level' crisis as Covid-19 hits hard

The devastating sweep of Covid-19 is the biggest story in a generation, and for most newspapers and news sites it has triggered record numbers of readers. Yet the virus, industry experts warn, will spell the end for “hundreds” of those organizations, laying off journalists and closing titles.

The Guardian

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