Quality Video Content
Quality Video Content

Importance Of Interactive & Visual Quality Content In Digital Publishing

Interactive content is the new buzzword. Here's why it has become crucial in digital publishing as well.
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3 min read

Written by: Rashmi

The competition in the publishing world is ever-increasing. There is no doubt about that. But this competition has also increased the production of more impactful, more engaging, and more successful content.

Nowadays, every publisher is churning out content aiming at higher reach and value. This is where interactive and visual quality content is turning out to be a game-changer. As per statistics, 81% of marketers said that interactive content grabs attention more effectively than static content. And why not? Interactive videos have the strength to engage a reader and get them to a point where they take the action on their own.

The potential of interactive content is endless, and that is what we have tried to explore in this article. But before we talk about its importance and the benefits that digital publishing can attain from interactive content, let's learn a bit more about the basics:

What Is Interactive Content?

Have you ever taken a quiz online, or used a calculator, or interacted with infographics on the web? Then you have certainly been engaged by interactive content.

As the name suggests, interactive content is any type of material that encourages the user to take active participation with the content rather than just reading it passively. Examples could be quizzes, calculators, white papers, interactive videos, and infographics.

Such visual content is focused on user experience. It lets them decide what to do next and see the content follow that direction. By using high-resolution images and videos, publishers also get to create a visual story that attracts the views and lets them stay longer on pages while reducing the bounce rate.

Visual Content
Visual Content

Importance of Interactive Visual Content

User engagement is just one part of the bigger picture that interactive content creates. Here are some other reasons why every digital publisher should include high-quality interactive content in their content strategy:

Creates Immersive and Interactive Experience

Imagine there are two content types – one is a static story and the other an interactive quiz. The static story serves solution to a particular problem. But the interactive quiz asks users to select the specific issues they are facing and then offer a customized solution. Without any doubt, the interactive quiz will offer a more immersive and interactive experience. The user will not leave the story until he/she has completed the quiz and received an answer.

In simple words, interactive content will ensure that your readers have a better time engaging with your content, and this will improve their chances of coming back to your website in the future.

Capture More Data

It is an undeniable fact that this is a data-driven age. From publishers to marketers, everyone requires valuable user information to further customize and optimize their content strategies. And since data breaches have eroded people's trust on online platforms, it is becoming difficult to urge them to share their personal data.

In these times of caution, interactive content becomes a great option to persuade people to provide their information. The immersive experience creates a more trustworthy environment, and people find it easy to offer details.

Boost Brand Loyalty

When you offer content that is engaging, immersive, and high quality, it establishes your brand in the market.

Furthermore, the data you capture from such content also enables you to create a highly targeted and personalized strategy for the readers. The result? You can establish stronger trust and authority among the audience. They would also share your content and come back time and again to consume more interactive and visual content.

A lot has been said about the importance of interactive content, and it is time to take the next step and become a part of a new content strategy.
