Story Analytics
Story Analytics

How Story Analytics Help In Improving Audience Engagement

Engaged audience is the most important asset of every digital publisher. Here is how story analytics can help you boost audience engagement.
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3 min read

Written by: Rashmi

Engaged audience read your stories, share your stories, and even pay for subscriptions. This is the reason why every digital publisher should strive for turning every new reader into an engaged reader. And in a time when every editor is busy, more than ever, in churning out stories, data analytics help in improving audience engagement.

Digital publishers can delve into audience engagement to identify gaps, improve interaction points with readers, and make every reader an engaged reader.

If you are a digital publisher and haven’t yet started using story analytics to boost your audience engagement, now is the time to do so. Here is your starter guide on how analytics helps in improving audience engagement:

4 Ways Story Analytics Boost Audience Engagement

At its core, story analytics is seeing your audience and its interaction with your content in the form of data. Here is a few examples of the type of data that one gets in story analytics:

  • Total page views

  • Unique page views

  • Source of traffic

  • Bounce rate

  • Session duration

  • Page Depth

  • RVR (Returning visitor rate)

At first glance, these names and numbers look dry and do not seem to tell anything about audience engagement. But once you start exploring the analytics, you will find the following ways it will help you improve audience engagement:

Audience Engagement
Audience Engagement

Building The Ideal Reader Profile For Content Creating:

Story analytics offer deep insights into audience demographics. From the geographical region and age to likes and dislikes, you can know many things about your average or the ideal reader. Once you know who your reader is, it becomes easy to cater content to him/her.

Finding The Right Marketing Channels:

With story analytics, not only can you know the number of readers in real-time, but you can also know the source of traffic. Once you know the channel that is contributing the most audience to your stories, you can engage your audience on that channel and serve better content.

Knowing What Works And What Not:

The total number of readers on your website or app and the number of readers on a particular story – this can help in knowing what is working and what is not in real-time. On top of that, you can also know what headlines/titles or thumbnail images are working with the help of A/B testing analytics. This way, you can turn a non-engaging piece of content into an engaging one.

Finding The Gap:

Finding the gap between your audience and your content is also crucial for improving audience engagement. For example, if you notice in the story analytics that traffic from a particular social media channel is decreasing over time or if a certain age group is not sharing your content, you can fill that gap by creating relevant content.

Bold CMS - Your First Step Towards Audience Engagement

The internet is moving towards privacy-friendly tools. Many browsers and advertisers are denouncing third-party cookies because of privacy concerns. To solve this problem, you can use a CMS that uses first-party cookies to build story analytics.

If you want a privacy-friendly and future-proof CMS, try our Bold CMS. It helps you augment audience engagement with first-party data about your content and audience. With the help of insights provided by story analytics, you will be able to serve better content to the right reader.

If you are interested in boosting your audience engagement with insightful story analytics, click here and book a free demo of the Bold CMS.
