Future of digital publishing: Why you must outsource your tech needs

Future of digital publishing: Why you must outsource your tech needs

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Let us look at the web content lifecycle. Before content hits its reader’s it goes through an entire series of formalities which most of us are completely oblivious of. Kristina Halvorson, founder and CEO of Brain Traffic, a content strategy consultancy, exclaims that there are 15 distinct steps in web content lifecycle:

Audit, Analyze, Strategize, Categorize, Structure, Create, Revise, Revise, Revise, Approve, Tag, Format, Publish, Update, Archive

Although it comes across as a line of humour, this is, in fact, the real struggle of a content creator. In an audaciously demanding world, where innovations occur at the drop of a hat, it is nothing but formidable and cumbersome to churn quality content.

Point to note here is, it is not only the content creation that requires commendable attention, but also, where and how content is created, stored, archived, managed.

Jonathan Gill in his Predictions of Journalism for 2019

Publishing and monetizing content in the digital age requires covering a large surface area of technology needs

Technology needs in question include:

  • content management systems,

  • asset and workflow management,

  • data and knowledge management optimizations,

  • front end development and so on

One can be resolute and attempt to meet all ends of content creation, but what we must remember here is that our consumers, the readers don’t really care about the means but rather, only the end. To elaborate, what matters to readers is the final output, which is the content itself. Whether the content was created using an in-house tool, reviewed via emails or collaborative content editors, whether the content after publishing will be archived on cloud or local, etc, etc, are trivia that do not see the light of the day.

It may seem cushy to target doing everything in-house, after all, self-sustainability is the mantra all business chase alike. However, one often overlooks the cost, time and effort this entails. While self-sustainability is the mantra, so is “Reuse and Collaborate”. Maybe it’s not yet the mantra, but what we urge is to make this the mantra.

How about a content management system that will enable you to cakewalk through the entire prerequisites, requisites and means of creating content. Yes! You understood that right, to be as straightforward as possible, let us tell you, that you only have to worry about your final output, i.e., the content, and we got your back on everything else. From the content creation tool to content management, your front-end needs, your feedback requirements, to even your data analytics, we got it all.

A brief overview of what we offer:

  • A powerful workspace to help you organize your content

  • Supports all content types: stories, live blogs, breaking news, AMP stories to list a few

  • An intuitive and innovative user interface to churn out content ensuring the sustenance of reader base

  • Analytics that help you drive your business decisions

For more on our flagship product, click here or request a free trial here. Try it, to experience it.
