Updates of Google Publisher Center's Shocks DigitalPublishers

Namitha Sudhakar

Previously, publishers could manually create pages on Google News; now, Google automates this process. Google uses algorithms to determine eligible news sites for Google News and automatically creates publication pages.

Google News drives up to 30% of traffic for some publications, highlighting the importance of visibility. However, now Google has shifted its approach to selecting news sites for Google News, relying solely on algorithms to determine eligibility and create publication pages

Danny Sullivan, Google’s search liaison, notes the update aims to prioritize authentic news content, reducing the visibility of non-news such as hobbies or lifestyle segments. The Google News Showcase, an invite-only program paying publishers, remains unaffected by these changes.

Publishers must adapt by creating high-quality, relevant content and ensuring a great user experience. Content must demonstrate clear expertise, authority, trustworthiness, and transparency. It should also align with Google’s Helpful Content Guidelines and best practices for news and article pages.

Publishers should display clear contact information, editorial policies, and staff bios to enhance trust and transparency. They should also focus on Core Web Vitals to ensure the site is fast, stable, and secure, especially on mobile, to meet Google's mobile-first indexing.

Utilize Google Search Console to submit regular and news sitemaps, which will help Google better understand and categorize your site’s content. The landscape for digital publishers is evolving; staying informed and flexible is key to leveraging Google’s platforms effectively.