
Headless CMS Explained in less than 5 minutes

Amala Justy

Content management has existed ever since the internet started. WordPress started as the most popular choice of content management system. However, as technical demands evolved, more solutions came to the forefront. The rise of technology like - AI, headless CMS, chatbots, voice assistants has urged more tech players to bring forth solutions that cater to digital content creators.

You must consider the global web content management market, which includes related tools such as content analytics, digital asset management, and editing tools. The WCM industry was valued to be around $4.8 billion and is expected to reach over $11 billion by 2023. The CMS remains the most significant portion of the industry, web experience management solutions make up a growing portion of the market.

Some of the key factors that impact CMS industry growth include - increase in demand for digital marketing solutions and consumer demand for omni-channel experiences.

What is a headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a CMS platform with its front, web facing end, and the back, or user facing end separated. In this CMS, the "head", or rather the front end remains connected while being a separate tool. This architecture helps the headless CMS to provide scalability, better security, flexibility and autonomy. Publishers can develop their custom front-end or invest in solutions that let me make creative choices with time, without having it be bound to the entire system. With a headless CMS, you can always scale your editorial team and tech team without it ever disturbing your presentation layer.

A headless CMS often works with a custom or personalised front-end tool. It also provides easy integrations with third-party tools to help bring in custom solutions for each unique publisher. This way, publishers can enjoy an enterprise level, premium platform without having to limit themselves to the rigidity of it all. Headless CMSs are easy to work with for both publishers and developers and bring about easy updates when compared to the traditional tools.

You would need a Headless CMS if :

For a digital publisher, a CMS is designed to allow multiple users to manage content and make it easier to display their native digital content. As technology evolves, these solutions must provide good infrastructure and security. It’s important that they make your site user-friendly and help you save money.

  • You distribute content across multiple channels

  • You want flexibility with your technology stack

  • You're looking to scale your business/team

  • For better security

  • For a premium CMS platform at a better price

What are the benefits of a headless CMS?

With a headless CMS, you get to choose how to present your content and where your content is distributed. The content creators aren't expected to code and the developers can use their time on building meaningful experiences rather than managing output inefficiencies.

With a back-end that edits and stores content and only an API to deliver, your content can appear on multiple channels such as:

  • Web properties

  • Smartwatches

  • Voice assistant platforms

  • OTT

  • Mobile apps

  • Progressive web apps

  • eCommerce platforms

Security issues remain a struggle for traditional content management systems, this is why you need to look away from the traditional solutions. Find CMS platforms that give you security and help you manage digital issues quickly. While one may turn to open source platforms like WordPress, it’s important to look at the facts such as - the platform's worst security breach impacted 18 million WordPress users. As many as 70 percent of all WordPress sites may be vulnerable to hacker attacks.

Look into CMS solutions that are developed with the publishers at its centre. You can invest in these systems to develop your very own SaaS platform that is both dependable and secure.

Key reasons to look into headless CMS

  • Seamless integrations like third party solutions and SaaS tools to aid better CMS user experience.

  • Better flexibility with the headless architecture

  • Improvised voice search

  • Better scalability for your business

  • Mobile-first approach

  • Better in-built security

  • Automated workflows and cloud based content management

Bold - The Headless CMS for the publishers today

Bold is the headless CMS from Quintype that caters to more than 100 publishers across the globe. It’s designed to help journalists create, distribute and monetize their digital content. Bold comes with industry-approved features that allow content creators to experience a smooth interface. The content can be managed easily, with control over details like - access, roles, social media tags, in-built SEO analytics, etc.

The headless CMS also works seamlessly with our front-end solution ahead. For those with a custom front-end, Bold integrates seamlessly allowing them to improve their content management experience alone with no hindrance to their existing system.

With a headless CMS like Bold, you can enjoy third-party integrations. This means that while your fundamental workflow is set in place, there is no stagnation in performance. Bold integrates seamlessly to help you perfect your digital presence. Its flexible model helps you stay in trend and gives you room to grow.

Why you need the Bold CMS :

  1. Easy content personalization - Bold allows writers to use various kinds of content formats to deliver the best storytelling experience. This includes - visual stories, live reporting, breaking news etc.

  1. Omni-channel distribution - Bold helps push content on all channels. Publishers can now push their content on websites, mobile, tablets, voice assistants etc through their CMS. They can also push content to all social media channels.

  1. Easy scalability - Quintype takes care of the entire backend support. Giving publishers a product that can easily handle more users and more interactions without ever having to worry about their website performance.

  1. The right workflow - For growing media houses, the right workflow is important. Bold establishes a systemic workflow for content creation and distribution and allows the team to collaborate without having any confusion.

  1. Rich multimedia support - Upload high quality images and videos on your CMS without a fear of performance. Bold supports rich multimedia to help you enhance the user experience.

  1. Control over author access - Admins can set access restrictions to have all content on the CMS without the fear of overcrowding or overstepping boundaries. Set access control for easy regulation of content.

  1. Regulated updates - Bold CMS is tailor made for digital publishers. The team at Quintype ensures that the CMS is updated with relevant features and continues to provide a smooth experience.

  1. Superior user experience - Bold CMS provides premium content management experience to both larger scale and small scale publishers. The quality of the product is not compromised, allowing smaller media houses a superior user and reader experience with Bold.


The headless CMS architecture is the future as it keeps the publisher at its centre and enables them to provide better reader experience without having to learn to code to develop a chunky system. Building a custom solution may have been the preferred route for many publishers but the weight of the cost and the constant slow updates are an obvious disadvantage. We at Quintype see this challenge, which is why we built a CMS like Bold. It's every developers friend and publishers have an easy clickable interface that empower them to make bold digital choices, pun intended. If you're looking for a platform that lets you grow your media house with time, helps you stay relevant and present on all web channels and stays up to the beat, look no further. We bring you a premium headless CMS that integrates seamlessly with front-end solutions and other tools so you can have a digital experience tailored for you.