The way we see loyal readers have changed over the years, for the good. The team at content insights were able to find a friendly definition of reader loyalty - habitually highly engaged readers. While our reach has grown exponentially, with new tools and gadgets, we choose to stick to comfortable paths.
We have seen that loyal readers are more dependable. But with over 10 options to choose from in almost every niche, how do you keep your readers loyal to you?
With a storm of new startups and an ocean of content, it is important to ensure your content stands out and is available to your loyal reader-base as well as your potential readers.
How do you ensure you get the maximum result from putting out your content? Here are a few ideas.
1. Place the reader at the center
Create useful content around the needs of your readers. 2020 is all about ensuring that you get good readers, not vague figures of eyeballs on your site. Publishers are keen on genuine readers more than ever!
2. Monetization Game
Wondering why your younger readers haven’t subscribed?
Revising your monetization plans every once in a while could be life-changing. If you observe traffic but see no growth in subscriptions, perhaps it's time to switch things up a little bit.
3. Subscribers or community?
Creating a subscription base by promoting the idea of a community is more sustainable approach. Instead of looking at your users as price tags, consider them investments. Creating a community wherein like-minded people can interact has more value and impact than a subscription base that is shown in figures.
4. Google news SEO
In 2020, the content is above keywords or links. With Google getting better at understanding the nature or quality of content on your site, it's time to pull back the attention to the spine of any publishing house - content. Google’s news SEO is seen favoring quality coverage, authentic storytelling, and timeliness.
Google News is an effective way to stay in the loop of both your loyal and potential readers.
5. Write for the digital audience.
Compare stories online, to that in a news daily. They’re distinct in being interactive, short and are usually accompanied by embedded files. Digital content is consumed by a fast-moving audience, shorter reading time with maximum information is preferred.
6. Be everywhere
Ever spent 15 minutes just to find a podcast of the daily updates on your morning walks?
Don't expect readers to find you, be on every channel possible. Instagram TV, Facebook, lives, Spotify podcasts, Youtube, Twitter are some of the channels available for publishers today. Diversifying your distribution ensures that you reach and satisfy your audience’s reach.
7. Let’s calm down with our visual elements, shall we?
According to a study by clario, an average human is bombarded with 5,000 advertisements every day in 2020.
To nobody's surprise, readers do not enjoy fishing for content hiding between advertisements, short stories, breaking news, pop-ups, images, gifs all at once. Play with your elements but refrain from overcrowding the reader’s screen. This ensures that the message is delivered and read.
8. Specialise in a niche
Everybody has the same big headlines these days but what do you specialise in? Do your readers prefer certain niche stories on your platform over others?
According to your resources, provide specialised data on a particular subject. This makes you the most authentic storyteller in that niche. Gradually, you become an expert in the subject-matter and any news that revolves around it is verified by you. This helps readers to associate credibility and expertise with your brand.
9. Are you still looking at page-views?
Boston globe pays more attention to the stories that convert readers to subscribers as well as the content that attracts base readers. Publishers like the Morning News, have stopped counting page views. Most publishers tend to focus only on the top line consumers, this wouldn’t help to widen the reader base at a content level.
Know your competition
Say you’re a startup news daily, the guardian or the new york times must be on your list of competitions. What can you learn from them?
While healthy competition helps keep the content fresh and interesting, it also helps in growth. Finding places for improvement and learning from other’s mistakes is a perfect way to ensure your readers don't stay in the shadows.
Not everybody likes a fat book
The future is visual. Not all readers want a 1000 word article or story. Have options for your readers. An all-kill way to present content is by presenting them in diverse styles. From swipers to invested readers, have something for everybody.
Consistency is not a clichè
Having randomly published in-depth stories are no good because then the search engines don't recognize you. Use lesser words but be an active channel of information. This can help you stay relevant with your reader base while also increasing your shot at visibility.
“The goal isn’t to grab the attention, it’s to have enough to be able to hold it”
Lightning speed, always
With heavy javascript, your story is going to test some patience, patience you can’t bet on. Ensure that your site is fast. Speed is money, am I right? A site that loads quicker has a better shot at establishing a bigger reader base as the user experience associated is positive.
Tell us how you keep your readers loyal to you! Comment your tricks below!