How to create interactive content 

The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Content: How to Create Engaging Experiences

Namitha Sudhakar

Instead of just laying out the facts, creators have jazzed things up with short videos, snazzy infographics, and clever podcasts. Gone are the days of droning on with endless articles. Now, we are all about quick, engaging bites of information. People are now grabbing their info from podcasts and solving puzzles. We called it interactive content.

Newsrooms have also started shifting to interactive content. Trading in their long-winded articles for visual stories and interactive videos. Here is a complete textbook on creating dynamic content. Let's create content through fun.

Interactive Content for More Engagement

Interactive content is like the energetic teacher in a classroom, shaking things up and ensuring no one’s snoozing in the back row. Imagine staring at the chalkboard; instead of just sitting there, you are called up to solve puzzles, participate in quizzes, and join discussions.

Why Should You Care About This Spiffy Interactive Content?

It is like giving your audience a front-row seat in a thrilling workshop instead of a boring old monologue. Static content is like reading from a textbook—informative but not exactly thrilling.

Interactive content is like usability testing; when users engage, they drop hints about what they like and don't, which helps to fine-tune your approach.

In short, it is like turning a monotonous lecture into a lively seminar where everyone learns and have fun. How can you turn your content into an exciting interactive experience? You got it, right? Now, let's get those brains buzzing with ideas.

Art of Creating Interactive Content

Identifying the core areas of human interaction is the secret sauce for designing awesome interactive content. It's all about getting how users tick and crafting interfaces that feel as natural as a friendly chat.

To truly make interactive content shine, you need interfaces that are as easy to navigate as your favourite app and as engaging as a gripping novel. This is where a sound content management system and user interface step in like superheroes.

They use their magic to create experiences that don't just catch the reader's eye but keep them coming back for more. Once a system with all the options to create interactive content is in place, you can start creating content. Now, the control goes to the creator.

How to Create Interactive Content

Interactive content typically involves elements that allow users to do something. These elements create a more immersive and personalized experience, making the content more engaging and effective.

Turning Data into Interactive Infographics

Interactive infographics turn complex data into an engaging experience. Take, for example, Google’s “How Search Works: From Algorithms to Answers.” This infographic allows users to interactively explore the intricate process behind search results, making the data both accessible and fascinating​​.

Let us go to another example, "The New New York Skyline" by National Geographic, where users can scroll through the cityscape and click on landmarks for more information, bringing the evolving skyline to life.​

Source : National Geographic

Quizzes and Surveys

Quizzes and surveys are like the Swiss Army knives of media brands – they educate people, gather feedback, and make sure everyone's having a good time while doing it. When creating your own quizzes, you can go wild with formats:

  • True/False: Quick and straightforward.

  • Fill in the Blanks: A bit of a brain teaser.

  • Multiple Choice: Options galore.

Depending on your goal and subject matter, quizzes can be:

  • Personality Quizzes: Uncover traits, preferences, or behaviors

  • Knowledge Tests: Gauge your audience's knowledge of a specific topic.

  • Clickable Infographics: Let readers play around with data, making learning as easy as pie.

Source: CNN

On the other hand, surveys are your go-to tools for getting down to business. Here, you need a clear objective – what do you want from your readers? Your questions can be:

  • Descriptive: Open-ended to get detailed feedback.

  • Limited Words: Short and sweet.

  • Multiple Choices: Giving readers specific options.

  • Linear Scales: To measure opinions or satisfaction levels.

Source: New York Times

For both quizzes and surveys, keep them snappy, make the titles catchy, and always brand them with your unique style. Don’t just upload plain quizzes – spice them up with:

  • Pop-ups or Banners: Grab attention instantly.

  • Emails: Reach your audience directly.

  • Website Embeds: Integrate into your main site.

  • Dedicated Sections: Give them their own spotlight.

You can roll out quizzes and surveys during:

  • Current Events: Keep readers informed and engaged.

  • Reader Engagement: Get to know your audience better.

  • Market Research: Understand trends and preferences.

  • Educational Purposes: Teach while entertaining.

Big names like The New York Times, The Guardian, and BBC are masters at this, regularly featuring quizzes to keep people in the know and entertained.


Polls are like crystal balls for understanding the pulse of the crowd. They are especially handy during crisis situations, helping us gauge public sentiment.

During elections, polls are the go-to tool for gauging public interest in candidates or political parties. But polls aren't just for the big, serious stuff. They can also be a fun way to boost reader engagement.

Think of them as a quick chat with your audience to understand how your site’s content is performing, what people think about various topics, or even to gather consumer preferences. They are perfect for public awareness campaigns, too.

Polls are easy to set up and even easier for people to respond to. They are one of the simplest ways to get answers because people love to share their opinions when it's quick and straightforward.

Source: Times Of India

Games and Gamified Elements

Digital media uses mini-games and gamified content to keep users hooked, like a good plot twist in a movie. These little bursts of fun boost engagement and keep users around longer, but they also sprinkle a bit of entertainment magic on your site.

Gamification includes shiny badges, competitive leaderboards, and points galore. Games and gamified content provide instant feedback and gratification, making your user experience special and unforgettable.

Source: The Guardian

Live Webinars and Q&A sections

Live webinars and Q&A sections are like having a backstage pass to the hottest show in town. They let readers dive deep into special topics and chat directly with the presenter to clear up any questions.

These sessions aren't just about info-dumping but about making things interactive and fun. The goal is to spark engagement, get people talking, and promote lively Q&A action.

You can host these sessions on your website or take them to your social media platforms – wherever your audience hangs out.

The magic of live webinars and Q&As is in the real-time interaction. It helps build brand loyalty, offers expert insights, and provides an interactive experience that keeps participants returning for more. Plus, it adds a layer of transparency that shows you are open and ready to engage with your audience.

Visual Stories

Visual stories are like the digital equivalent of a blockbuster movie—packed with images, videos, and audio that combine to create an engaging, interactive narrative.

Instead of wading through a sea of text, readers can dive into a visually rich experience that captures their attention and keeps them hooked.

Imagine scrolling through a story that’s as engaging as your favourite social media feed but with all the depth and insight of a well-researched article. These immersive gems attract more visitors and keep them around longer, boosting session times on your site.

They are made for mobile, so your readers can enjoy them anytime, anywhere. Sharing them on social media is a breeze, turning your content into a viral sensation.

Whether breaking down complex topics or adding some pizzazz to your usual fare, visual stories transform your content into a fun, easy-to-digest adventure.

Source: India Today

The Future of Interactive Content

The future of interactive content is like stepping into a sci-fi movie which is thrilling and full of possibilities. Emerging trends like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are set to take user engagement to the next level. Imagine interacting with content that feels as real as life or having AI personalize your experience like a digital concierge.

These tech wonders will open new ways to captivate audiences, making marketing, education, and entertainment more immersive and engaging. Think of it as the next evolution in storytelling, where your audience is not just reading or watching—they are experiencing.


As technology advances, the field of interactive content will continue to evolve, bringing even more innovative and effective ways to engage users. So, buckle up and get ready to transform how you create and share content online – the future is interactive, and it will be a wild ride.

Quintype can help you with an innovative CMS solution that assists you in publishing content in various formats without manually creating them. The Quintype CMS BOLD offers 14 formats to publish your content, including visual stories, live updates, and Q and A. You have to upload them in the templates, and you are all done. Don't believe it? Get your 14-day free trial, or ask our experts to learn more.